What is the formula for calculating the volume of a cone?

Oh no wait, that's not what this blog is about! This blog is a random sampling of anything, pretty much, that I want to share -- from my brain, to your computer!

I solemnly swear that everything that I post here is true - or at least as true as I think it should be :)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

my thoughts

We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world. -Buddha

I have been thinking lately. I have been trying to discover myself in the midst of people that surround me. I'm sure a lot of people have wondered about themselves before, wondered who they are. It helps to do something you love to do every day. For me, that's baking, playing with my friends, running around outside playing kickball, and being the crazy, lovable me.

I have also been thinking about other people. Everyone hides from something, and I can tell. I have been trying to uncover people, take them out of their shell. I have a lot of family and friends, so this is a big task.

I have thought about friendship and loyalty. One of my friend's friends was not loyal and hurt her feelings. I try to be the happy red balloon that keeps her smiling.

Almost every day I run to my friend's house that lives down the road and we play and talk for hours. It's great to know that there is someone that I can share my thoughts with.

It's hard, sometimes, to understand somebody's thoughts. Many times I can't understand my own. I wish, though, that I could go into somebody's head and know and understand what they are thinking. Each thought is not just a string of words, but a hope, a dream, a feeling, and with that we can change the world.


  1. Buddha, dear, is fat which you aint...
    yet he's also idolatry - that means
    basically worshipping someone or
    something which isn't Heavenly (=
    God). Dost thou realize, my just and
    worthy liege? If you wanna VitSee
    again for the length N breadth of
    eternity, miss girl-gorgeous-which-
    follow me2theWeddingFeastASAP:
    ● NOPEcantELOPE.blogspot.com ●
    Cya soon, precious N precocious,
    beautiful, wonderfull, adorable,
    magnificent, stunning, victorious,
    miss girly-withe-curly...

  2. ...and, believe-it-or-not, WonderWoman,
    we'll photograph throughout the Great
    Beyond, throughout the universe. Why?
    yooNeye definately can have anything for eternity: i choose you, dear, to love
    and serve for breakfast, lunchNdinner.
    ---> 'Purify your souls
    with deeds of love
    and mercy' -Jesus
    Cya soon, adorable...
