What is the formula for calculating the volume of a cone?

Oh no wait, that's not what this blog is about! This blog is a random sampling of anything, pretty much, that I want to share -- from my brain, to your computer!

I solemnly swear that everything that I post here is true - or at least as true as I think it should be :)

Friday, February 5, 2010

i luv my friends

"A friend is one who knows everything about you, but loves you anyway." - Fr. Jerome Cummings

Making friends and keeping them. Loving and caring for them. Making a total fool of yourself, for them. These are all things I do very well. I show that I luv my friends by the what I do for them.

One of my friends, Kayla, had a birthday 3 days ago. In the morning, everyone in the 6th grade was taking off their coats and getting ready for the morning. I brought her a big fruity candy cane, some chocolates, and a huge hug. I had everyone in 6th grade sing "Happy Birthday" to her, and I conducted the Best Friends hallway birthday ceremony.

Way back in Fall, another one of my friends, Laura, had her birthday. I planned on bringing her a Twinkie with colored toothpicks smushed in the top for her "cake" and all of my friends (which is a lot) would sing to her. It turned out that we were out of Twinkies, so I made do with circular fruit snacks (of various colors), a blue post-it note, and the same colored toothpicks. I made a fruit snack birthday cake, and all of my friends sang to her. Then she "cut" the cake and we each got two fruit snacks. We sat on the bottom of the hill at recess time and danced, making complete fools of ourselves, but not caring.

It means a lot to a friend when something is done for them, even if it is just a bunch of fruit snacks on a post-it note. I know, for a fact, that simple things are just as special as the big ones to them (except, maybe, risking your life. That's a little bit more important.)
Luv your friends, and they'll luv you.

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